Breast Prosthesis: An Alternative to Reconstruction
Breast Prosthesis: An Alternative to Reconstruction If you decide that breast reconstruction isn’t right for you but still want a breast shape, a breast prosthesis, also called a breast form, can help you look balanced without surgery. You can use a breast prosthesis (or two prostheses, if you’ve had a...
Preparing For Breast Surgery
Preparing For Breast Surgery Making the decision to undergo breast surgery (mastectomy) as part of your breast cancer treatment plan is a courageous move in your fight to overcome breast cancer. A mastectomy is major surgery and can be a very emotional experience. It is normal to be emotional and...
Preparing For Chemotherapy
Preparing For Chemotherapy You’ve met with your medical oncologist (a doctor specialising in cancer treatment with medication), you’re aware of the risks and benefits of chemotherapy (using anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells) and you’ve decided to go for it. You might be wondering, what happens now?  Firstly, it would...
What to Expect After Surgery
What to Expect After Surgery? Most women with breast cancer would have breast surgery (mastectomy or lumpectomy) as part of their cancer treatment plan. Breast surgery is a major operation and like any other major operation you need to take extra care of yourself, physically and mentally, during your recovery. ...
Understanding Breast Cancer
Understanding Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common cancer a woman may face in her lifetime and the most common cancer in women worldwide. The lifetime risk of a woman having breast cancer is 1 in 8 [1]. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, but Asian...
Reading Your Breast Cancer Pathology Report
Reading your Breast Cancer Pathology Report After a biopsy, the specialist who examines the samples taken from your breast, called a pathologist, presents the findings to your doctor in the form of a pathology report.  This report provides the diagnosis of your biopsy and will guide the doctor in recommending...
Types & Stages of Breast Cancer
Types & Stages of Breast Cancer There are many different types of breast cancer as well as different stages of breast cancer. The type and stage of breast cancer you have will determine the type of treatment you should receive. Possessing a full understanding of the type and stage of...
Treatment Options for Breast Cancer
Treatment Options for Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a complex disease, and it’s different for every patient.  Each treatment plan is therefore unique to each patient and tailored to their specific needs.   Also due to the advancement of treatment options for breast cancer, there are now more streamlined methods to...




Jess is pretty and always full of positive energy. Although diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, Jess is incredibly determined to continue living her live happily and meaningfully…

Regain your self-image confidence with Silicone Breast Prosthesis

Why should I wear a silicone breast prosthesis?

The battle with breast cancer and the subsequent surgeries and treatments can leave many women with low confidence and poor self-esteem. Self-care is an important part of regaining mental and physical wellbeing, and one of the ways that many healthcare professionals recommend is by using a breast prosthesis and a mastectomy bra.


Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Patients

Chemotherapy can help fight cancer, but it also has side effects. Everyone reacts differently. The type of chemotherapy drugs you use can affect your experience.
In this Facebook Live session sharing, you will get some useful tips to help manage some common side effects.


Benefits of Wearing Breast Prosthesis

Wearing a breast prosthesis is not merely for rebuilding a woman’s self-confidence but for physical reasons as well. Weighted silicone breast prostheses are designed to resemble the natural breast in terms of weight, appearance, and texture. When a natural breast is removed the body is no longer in balance and will compensate with slight curving of the spine and "shoulder drop."

Find out more about the benefits of wearing a breast prosthesis from this video

Nutritional Advice for Cancer Patients
Nutritional advice for cancer patientsMaintaining a healthy and balanced diet is especially important for someone who has cancer because the illness and cancer treatments can affect your appetite, the way your body tolerates certain foods and uses nutrients. Apart from eating healthy, eating well is equally important. Eating well and...



Cancer Care [Mandarin Version]


Busting the nutritional myths for cancer patients

Cancer survivors can only eat organic food?

There is a lot of information about nutrition and cancer and it is sometimes hard to know what to believe. Information given by well-meaning friends and family, as well as what is read on the internet, can often be overwhelming. Misinformation can cause people to make unnecessary or sometimes harmful changes to their diets that could affect their health.

In this Facebook Live session sharing, we have “busted” some of the common myths and misconceptions about nutrition and cancer.

Navigating the New Normal
Navigating the New NormalAt the end of cancer treatment, a new chapter of your life begins – one that can bring hope and happiness, but perhaps also worries and fear. Having lived a life which revolves around a schedule of what seem to be endless doctor’s appointments, treatments and surgeries,...
Navigating the New Normal
Navigating the New NormalAt the end of cancer treatment, a new chapter of your life begins – one that can bring hope and happiness, but perhaps also worries and fear. Having lived a life which revolves around a schedule of what seem to be endless doctor’s appointments, treatments and surgeries,...
Navigating the New Normal
Navigating the New NormalAt the end of cancer treatment, a new chapter of your life begins – one that can bring hope and happiness, but perhaps also worries and fear. Having lived a life which revolves around a schedule of what seem to be endless doctor’s appointments, treatments and surgeries,...
Navigating the New Normal
Navigating the New NormalAt the end of cancer treatment, a new chapter of your life begins – one that can bring hope and happiness, but perhaps also worries and fear. Having lived a life which revolves around a schedule of what seem to be endless doctor’s appointments, treatments and surgeries,...


Managing Stress of Cancer and Covid-19

Cancer Stress Management

Right now, everyone is facing the stress and anxiety that COVID-19 has brought into our lives. If you or someone you care about has cancer, that’s a lot to worry about. But with the added stress of COVID-19, you may be having a lot of other feelings as well.

In this Facebook Live session sharing, we have provided you some of the helpful coping tips.

Dealing with the Big “C”, You Are Not Alone

Resource Sharing

In the wake of Covid-19 virus, it feels like the forgotten ‘Big C’, dwarfed by the pandemic that’s thrown our lives upside down.
Yet, it’s the ‘Big C’ that has sent your life spinning, out of control, like a whirlwind that you can’t escape. Know that you are not alone, and it can be beaten.

Ms. Adeline Joseph the Head of Resource and Wellness Centre of National Cancer Society Malaysia and a cancer survivor will be sharing her journey battling with cancer and the importance of joining a support group during your cancer journey.

THE Importance of Oral Hygiene to Cancer Patients

Mouth sores & dry mouth

It is important to maintain good oral care throughout cancer treatment and beyond. Chemotherapy drugs can cause sores in the mouth and throat, as well as dryness, irritation, or bleeding.

Find out what you can do to keep your mouth healthy before, during and after treatment. Plus, get advice on how to cope with common treatment side effects like mouth sores, dry mouth and sensitive gums.

Advice for Caregivers and Family
Advice for Caregivers and FamilyHelpful tips on how to support a loved one with Breast CancerLiving with breast cancer presents many challenges, not only for the person diagnosed with cancer but also for their caregivers and family. Here are some helpful tips on how to support a loved one with...



Cancer Care [Mandarin Version]


Busting the nutritional myths for cancer patients

Cancer survivors can only eat organic food?

There is a lot of information about nutrition and cancer and it is sometimes hard to know what to believe. Information given by well-meaning friends and family, as well as what is read on the internet, can often be overwhelming. Misinformation can cause people to make unnecessary or sometimes harmful changes to their diets that could affect their health.

In this Facebook Live session sharing, we have “busted” some of the common myths and misconceptions about nutrition and cancer.

Is it possible to prevent hair loss during chemotherapy
Is it Possible to Prevent Hair Loss During ChemotherapyWe might not think about how important our hair is until we face losing it. For cancer patients who need to undergo chemotherapy, this is a real concern. Research have shown that both men and women see hair loss as one of...


Busting the nutritional myths for cancer patients

Cancer survivors can only eat organic food?

There is a lot of information about nutrition and cancer and it is sometimes hard to know what to believe. Information given by well-meaning friends and family, as well as what is read on the internet, can often be overwhelming. Misinformation can cause people to make unnecessary or sometimes harmful changes to their diets that could affect their health.

In this Facebook Live session sharing, we have “busted” some of the common myths and misconceptions about nutrition and cancer.

  • Read More

Many survivors told us that the program has helped them regain a sense of control and normality at a time when diagnosis and treatment had taken over their lives. 

Various Can-Care products and services 

  • Breast care (breast prosthesis and mastectomy bra) 
  • Cancer Care (medical wigs, medical shampoo and scalp care products) 
  • Lymphedema management 
  • Wellness  

Anyone could walk in for a free fitting and consultation services.
Please refer to our list of Can-Care centres & distributors location.

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